Mindfulness consciously lived Transformation designed with impact Leadership re-imagined

10 years self-employed
01.10.2024 | Sabine Langrock

10 years self-employed

What a ride!

How time flies: I started my own business in October 2014! A reason to celebrate!

I am committed to a people-oriented work environment in which ...
  • mindfulness in organizations leads to more empathy, trust and connectedness
  • change happens both on the inside and the outside, and new opportunities emerge from crises
  • leadership and cooperation are re-imagined and lived in a future-oriented way
  • teams are aware of their strengths and the potentials of all can flourish
  • people can find their balance and calmly cope with challenges


This is my very personal "WHY", which adds meaning to what I do as a systemic organizational consultant, coach and expert for Mindfulness & Resilience.

My "HOW" can be described as follows:

  • Clarity, appreciation and lightness are supporting values for me
  • I approach the world with a systemic, solution-oriented mindset
  • With my holistic approach I integrate body, mind and soul or mind, heart and intuition.

And for the "WHAT", I invite you to take a look around this website.

  • I support executives, teams and organizations in aligning with the future and courageously taking new paths.
  • I create spaces for reflection and dialogue in change processes, because outer transformation often requires a change on the inner stages.
  • I bring mindfulness into organizations - for more presence, for a new way of collaboration and for an agile mindset.

Mindfulness & Resilience

Develop inner clarity and presence. Dealing calmly with crises and stress.

Development of inner competencies for dealing with change, complexity, uncertainty and the demands of new work. To gain more focus, presence, creativity, empathy and vitality.

Transformation & Change

Creating positive change. Shaping future-oriented organizations.

Disruption, VUCA, Cultural Transformation, Digitalization - our whole world is constantly changing.

Whether you want to develop your organization in line with the future or you want to change the way your team works together - I will accompany you through the change.

Leadership & Coaching

Rethinking leadership. Powerful and effective leadership.

Our working and corporate environment is undergoing fundamental change. And there are no blueprints for dealing with the emerging areas of friction. But one thing is clear: we need to rethink leadership.

How do you strengthen yourself and your managers towards more agility, flexibility, self-organization and more collaborative structures?

Methods & Formats

Are you curious about my work and approach? Then please take a look at my toolbox.

Whether online or in person - my consulting and coaching sessions are always tailored to the individual needs of my clients. In the first meeting we clarify the initial situation, the objectives and the appropriate approach.

I look forward to talking with you!


Coaching is about helping people to help themselves. I see myself as your advisor who supports you in your search for the solution that is right for you. In order to enable development and change, I reflect my perceptions and invite you to change your perspective. I provide helpful inspiration through questions and appropriate interventions.

You are responsible for your actions, I am responsible for the professional design of the process. The personal fit and the scope for the coaching process will be clarified together in a personal initial meeting.


Depending on the question, I am happy to contribute as an expert and sparring partner and provide concrete suggestions and impulses from the outside. Whether it is an innovative method, new concepts or proven success factors, you will benefit from my broad knowledge base and my consulting experience in a wide variety of companies and projects.

One thing is certain: there is no standard solution for your challenges. From the multitude of different perspectives and possibilities, we jointly work out the way that suits you best. And along the way, we always check whether we should adjust the direction or the pace.

Workshops, Offsites, Large Group Sessions

Meetings and workshops are key elements of collaboration. Ideally, they are lively and effective, achieve fruitful results, are fun, stimulate co-creation processes and motivate people.

In my role as a facilitator, I create space for inspiration, reflection, creativity and dialogue. I support in connecting thoughts and developing actionable solutions. I help you and your team develop strategies and give voice to different perspectives. I ask questions that really matter to participants and that unleash a positive energy for change.

Virtual Facilitation

Face-to-face meetings are irreplaceable. But in the current times and also in virtual teams, this is not always feasible. And with video-based platforms and virtual whiteboards, trust, closeness and creativity can be created over distance, even in distributed teams.

I will design stimulating virtual formats for you, in which all participants can get involved, collaborate on an eye-to-eye level and co-create ideas.

Peer Coaching

No matter which challenges you face in your daily work and leadership situations, the method of peer coaching enables you to exchange professional experiences with your peers. The knowledge, experience and creativity of all participants will lead to new solutions. At the same time supportive networks will be formed between the participants.    

As a facilitator for peer coaching groups, I ensure a structured process and provide suitable methods and coaching tools. And if you intend to establish peer coaching for your leadership development, I will be glad to support you both conceptually and in the kick-off phase.

Learning Journey

Learning Journeys are journeys into other organizational contexts that provide a new learning experience through maximum change of perspective. With strategic core questions in mind, companies from other industries are visited with a curious, inquiring mindset.

Participants dive into unfamiliar worlds and explore experiences and good practices of pioneers. As a result, their minds, hearts and bellies will be touched. The view widens and energy is released for their own topics.

I am looking forward to being your knowledgeable travel companion on your Learning Journey - both in the professional preparation or follow-up as well as in the implementation.

Key Notes

I offer you lively and practice-oriented thought-provoking impulses around the topics of VUCA world, leadership, change, resilience, mindfulness and mindful self-leadership.

My impulse sessions are interactive, and tailored to your target group and your individual needs. The audience will get new perspectives and inspirations as well as tips on implementing the topic in everyday life.

  •  45 to 60 minutes presentation time plus Q&A/ panel discussion.
  •  Presentation languages: German or English
  •  Virtual or on-site
  •  Also possible as a combination of key note plus short workshop

Module based programs

For some topics, a short, snappy format is just right. And there are also topics and objectives that require more in-depth sessions. These can be topics like (self-)leadership and mindfulness, or other issues in the context of your personnel or leadership development. For this I like to design modular workshops, which are tailored to your target group and the topic.

In this way, reflection and the testing of new behavior/ attitudes is enabled for a longer time period. Between the modules, the sharing of experiences will take place, for example, through self-directed peer groups. Individual learning will be promoted through transfer assignments and journaling. Depending on the topic, additional individual coaching sessions may be helpful.

Current blog posts

In my blog Worth reading I share thoughts, impulses, articles and tools about mindfulness, resilience, self-leadership, leadership, culture transformation, change...

Do you have any questions
Or a specific request?

In a personal conversation we can discuss first ideas and explore the possibilities for cooperation. I look forward to meeting you - whether face to face or online.




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