- How do I strengthen my leadership qualities and in this way make an impact in my role?
- How do I gain clarity about my resources and my options?
- Where do I find myself at the moment, how do I want to be perceived, and how does all of this actually fit in with my values?
The demand on managers is becoming more and more challenging. And the contexts are becoming more confusing and complex. It is not always easy to remain present and effective in these situations.
Therefore, it is all the more important to gain clarity about the different roles and expectations in a coaching session - and to actively influence them. Reflecting on one's own leadership behavior, one's own impact, personal strengths and values are essential prerequisites for successful self-leadership. Because only those who know their own patterns in dealing with stress are able to lead others in an empathetic way.
What is your main Challenge?
- What really are my strengths and what really motivates me? And what would be the next suitable step in my development?
- How can I strengthen myself in my current or a new leadership role? How do I align myself and my area of responsibility?
- How do I act confidently and with presence on the different stages of my life? And stay balanced at the same time?
- How do I become a leader in which role and individual leadership style are a consistent entity?
- How do I lead myself and my team during change processes or times of crisis?
- How do I maintain my strength in the face of complexity and uncertainty? And how do I deal with ambivalences and complex decision-making situations in a solution-oriented way?
- How do I use the potential of my personality for effective communication and relationship management?
- How can I step out of my current solution pattern in stressful situations?
Why coaching?
For these and similar questions, coaching offers a protected space for a change of perspective and reflection at eye level. A space where you can pause and observe your situation from a distance. In which you can organize your own thoughts and in which your own development is in the spotlight. Because in everyday life there is little opportunity for this.
With me as your sparring partner and sounding board, we will develop the best possible ideas, options for action and implementation strategies for you. You will gain clarity, a better perception of your strengths and potentials and new energy for your future topics.
By the way, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Each coaching process is tailored precisely to your goals and concerns. We will define the stages of the route together in each case. You are responsible for the content and the pace. I am your companion and source of inspiration - in presence or virtually.
Effective coaching involves all levels of the person: Thinking, feeling, wanting and acting and also those aspects that have not yet been in one's own perception.
I work with metaphors and images, constellation work, visualizations, vision work, mindfulness exercises, models from communication and leadership as well as the Insights Discovery personality model.
WHERE does the coaching take place?
- For coaching conversations in presence, my coaching room in Frankfurt/ Heddernheim offers a pleasant atmosphere away from your work environment.
- If the topic and the weather allow, we can also arrange a walk & talk in the green for individual coaching sessions.
- And for online coaching, we have a variety of platforms at our disposal: MS Teams, WebEx or Zoom. We will mutually agree on what is the best option.

Curtain up
Coaching with the theater metaphor
Last weekend, I took a look behind the scenes at Oper Frankfurt's open day. I marveled at the magnificent costumes and was fascinated by all those who contribute to bringing a play to the stage.

Do you know the 7 types of rest?
How to recharge your batteries in everyday life
Summertime - for many, it's the time to finally switch off. But I am convinced that relaxation should not only take place on vacation. Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith describes seven types of relaxation that are essential for our well-being.

Coaching at a mountain hut
Change of perspective even in hybrid format
Yesterday I had my first coaching session at a mountain hut... And yet it wasn't quite what it sounds like right now.
I myself was sitting in front of my screen in my coaching room in Frankfurt. My coachee had cycled up a mountain on his day off and was on the terrace of an alpine hut at the time of our coaching session.

Introversion oder Extraversion?
Introversion oder Extraversion? Wir alle haben in unserer Persönlichkeit – je nach Rolle und Kontext – sowohl eine introvertierte als auch eine extravertierte Seite. Zugleich haben wir nach C.G. Jung eine angeborene Neigung für eher Introversion oder Extraversion. Mit diesem Fragenbogen von Bernd Schmid können Sie sich selbst in diesem Spektrum verorten und für weitere Reflexionen nutzen.