My way of working

  • Systemic: My systemic approach provides a holistic view of multiple perspectives and different realities. I always take into account the connections and interdependencies between actors and actions.
  • Ressource oriented: I am convinced that we already have all the resources that are needed to achieve our goals. By listening carefully, questioning, reflecting and appreciating different perspectives, these resources can emerge to the surface during the consulting process. It is important for me to move from the problem perspective to the solution orientation.
  • Appreciative and present: I am in a state of flow when I create trusting spaces for reflection and dialogue, allowing new answers and also new questions to emerge. I encourage people to pause and perceive what is emerging at the moment. In this way it is possible to realign oneself and to explore new paths.
  • Individual and effective: It is important to me that in my formats realizable solutions emerge that fit the context and reality of my respective client. That's why I don't offer off-the-shelf consulting or coaching.

Depending on the context, I take on different roles

  •     Source of inspiration
  •     Encourager
  •     Pathfinder
  •     Resonator
  •     Potential seeker

I create space for

  •     Dialogue and reflection
  •     Encounter and positive energy
  •     Trust and participation
  •     Courage and personal development

Project examples

Mindful Team

Initial situation:

  • High workload in the team
  • Stress due to purely virtual collaboration & pandemic-related challenges
  • So far only virtual onboarding of new team members


  • Short virtual workshop (4 hours, objective: refueling in Corona times)
  • followed a few weeks later by a two-day face-to-face workshop (objective: mindulness for the team and team members)

Core elements of the two-day offsite:

  • Input and sharing on topic of Mindfulness (Why, How, What/ informal and formal practice).
  • Connection of individual perspective (my values) with team perspective (values in the team with regard to collaboration)
  • Mindfulness exercises such as breathing meditation, body scan, walking meditation, mindful eating, journaling, Mindful Dialogue sessions....
  • Qi Gong & Yoga exercises after the breaks, at the beginning and end of the workshop days
  • Protected space for reflection of own questions on the topic of self-care
  • Transfer into everyday life via Mindfulness Canvas & Buddy Talks, follow-up mails with guiding questions

Team development after a merger

Objective: Improving collaboration & dealing with challenges from a merger.

Solution approach:

  • Insights Discovery was used to create transparency about behavioral preferences, different communication needs as well as stressors in the team. The resulting understanding of the heterogeneity of the team members provided relief with regard to underlying conflicts.
  • Solution-oriented perspective on brilliant moments of collaboration and on available team resources. This enabled specific agreements on collaboration and a boost of positive energy for tackling the challenges ahead.
  • Topics and responsibilities were clarified and prioritized so that friction losses and silo thinking were minimized.

Veränderungsbegleitung eines Bereichs

Objective: Assessment of the current situation and derivation of fields of action after a post-merger situation.


  • Interviews with selected managers and team members on the current situation, evaluation and derivation of hypotheses.
  • Feedback of the findings to the management team, face-to-face workshop on fields of action at management level, derivation of next steps at divisional level
  • Virtual kick-off workshop for the division-internal future orientation: co-creation of challenges and solution approaches using the design thinking method
  • Virtual follow-up workshop: Small groups pitch their prototypes, decision on next steps for the transfer of ideas into everyday life.

Coaching of a division on the topic of resilience & dealing with stresses

Objective: to find an appropriate way of dealing with recurring sickness-related absences as a management team against the background of burnout and private misfortunes.


  •  Development and implementation of a customized program and suitable actions for the department on the levels of management team, department and employees.
  •  Process support over approx. 1 year: assessment, large group workshop, leadership workshops, leadership coaching, 8-week program "Safe & Calm in Stress".

Mindful Selfcare Workshop


  •  Introduction and deepening of the practice of mindfulness & self-compassion
  •  Relevance of self-care - not only in difficult times
  •  Strengthening of own resources for more focus and serenity in everyday life
  •  Integration of mindfulness into everyday (work) life

Core elements of the one-day workshop:

  • Guided mindfulness exercises, coaching impulses and sessions of reflection based on resilience and positive psychology
  • An atmosphere of privacy to reflect on your own own self-care issues
  • Trusting atmosphere in small group
  • Development of tangible ideas for transfer to everyday life

The workshop concept is suitable as an inhouse workshop and can be adapted to specific customer requirements.


Do you have any questions
Or a specific request?

In a personal conversation we can discuss first ideas and explore the possibilities for cooperation. I look forward to meeting you - whether face to face or online.




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