The future of leadership

23.04.2024 | Sabine Langrock

Positive leadership - five key factors for strong teams

  •     How do we create solidarity and trusting working relationships in hybrid teams?
  •     In my role as a project manager, how do I create a suitable framework for more potential development in the team?
  •     As a manager, how do I deal with the expectations of the younger generations?

The students and alumni of Frankfurt School of Finance & Management raised these and other intriguing questions in my two online workshops "Positive Leadership - Five keys to more effective teams".

We found answers in the positive leadership approach, a scientifically based and practice-proven leadership concept from positive psychology. ⭐

Positive leaders focus on strengths and potential, they ensure a sense of achievement, positive emotions and supportive relationships - everything that makes teams shine and drives companies forward. Research shows that companies that use positive leadership as a management approach are significantly more successful.
We used Martin Seligman's PERMA model as a guiding framework. It focuses on five elements that lead to a fulfilled and happy life, both at work and at home: Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment.

During the workshop, we specifically benefited from the positive experiences of the participants and discussed a variety of ideas on how the PERMA model can be applied in everyday life. It quickly became clear that every person has the opportunity to positively influence their team and their environment. To name just a few of the good ideas:

- Positive emotions: Team rituals that enable gratitude, pride, inspiration or joy
- Engagement: Job crafting workshops with the aim of aligning areas of responsibility or new projects in a more strength-oriented way
- Relationships: Promoting micro-moments of positive resonance and high-quality connections (respect, trust, support, play)
- Meaning: On-site visit to the customer to experience the team's contribution and impact in the overall context
- Accomplishment: Individual gestures of appreciation and celebrating successes together

The check-out session then provided me with a wealth of positive emotions: "I'm leaving here with renewed hope and joy." - "I know I can consciously set my own focus and inspire others in a positive way." - "I have a new awareness of the environment I want to work in."

✅What is the current level of the 5 pillars of the PERMA model in your team?

✅Curious about how you can apply the PERMA model in your team? Contact me for individual support and practical solutions!

Do you have any questions
Or a specific request?

In a personal conversation we can discuss first ideas and explore the possibilities for cooperation. I look forward to meeting you - whether face to face or online.




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